Healing Testimonies 

"What He did for me, He can do for you."
  • I went to church Wednesday saying, "I'm not leaving this place tonight without a healing." At the end of the service, Pastor James called the congregation to pray over me for a healing in my back. I went home healed! I claim it everyday with thanks to our Lord Jesus, for all His goodness to my family, friends and me. Praise God I am pain free! - P.N.

  • Pastor James said that God spoke to him about someone having pain in their shoulder and ribcage. The description was exactly what I was feeling/experiencing. I moved out and brother James prayed for me. For several months, I wasn't even able to raise my arm. After he prayed for me, I was able to lift my arm higher. The next day, even higher! Now I can totally raise my arm! The healing has enabled me to join the local community center and begin exercising again (which I haven't been able to do in a long time). God is Jehovah Rapha. He is the God who heals. - D.D.

  • I had pulled a calf muscle while exercising. For two weeks, I had constant pain and it was hard to walk. Wednesday night at church, I prayed and asked God to heal me so I could continue exercising and not be in pain. By the next morning, all the pain was gone and has been gone ever since! I am so thankful! Thank you Lord for healing me! - P.S.

  • I am not someone who was a candidate for a heart attack, but on June 11th at around 7:00pm, I began having chest pain. The pain was so intense that I broke into a sweat that soaked my clothes. My thought was, this was a reoccurance of an old stomach issue from years ago. At 2:00am the pain returned, and I told my wife I needed to go to the hospital. Once there, they began to run tests and told us that they believed I had a heart attack. I still could not believe that I was having a heart issue, and told them so. The ER Doctor told us that he wanted to proceed with caution and as soon as I was stable, he planned to send me to Ft. Sanders in Knoxville. One of the nurses told my wife that I had already had a heart attack and they were afraid I was going to have another. I was transported to Ft. Sanders, and taken to the Cardiac Unit as soon as I arrived. Everything was moving very fast. Through it all, I had the Peace of God. My only thought was, I didn't want to leave my wife with all this "Mess". I remember laying on a table in the Cath Lab as the doctor explained what was going to happen. I prayed, "Lord You have always been with me, and I know you got me now, Your will be done". A few minutes later, the doctor stepped next to me and said we have finished. You had three blockages, and we have installed three stents. I was rolled into a room and in a little while, my wife came in and asked, "Do you know when they are going to do the heart cath". I told her it had already been done, and it looked like everything was good. As the day progressed, nurses were doing all sorts of tests, and by the end of the day, it appeared that I had no damage to my heart. With this being unusual, they wanted to keep me and run more tests. I stayed Wednesday and Thursday night. On Friday morning, they released to me to go home. I had indeed had no damage to my heart. I give God the Glory for keeping me all through my life. This was one time God stepped in to rescue me from harm. I don't know why I had a heart attack, but I do know He is with me no matter what comes in life. Praise His Holy Name. - M.H.

  •  32 years ago I was diagnosed with fuchs dystrophy, a disease of the cornea that leads to blindness then cornea transplants. After going up for prayer at church, I believed I was healed. Through the 32 years the disease according to eye test and exams continued to progress, but I could still see to read and drive as normal. The fuchs reached stage 4, with stage 5 being the last stage. My eye doctor urged me to have cornea transplant surgery. I told him as long as I could see to read and drive that I was not going to have the surgery. He told me it was amazing I could still see. I replied "I give God all the Glory and I believe I will continue to see even with fuchs until the day He takes me home". My eye test at that time was 20/30 and 20/35. He told me I could wake up one morning and be completely blind, and have to have emergency surgery. I have seen Cornea Transplant Specialist and he told me the same thing. I was scheduled to see him again, and on the morning I was to see him, my husband said, "Don't be surprised if you get Miraculous Results". He has never said anything like that before. It stuck in my mind. To my surprise this time as I took the exam, I could read every line of letters down to the last two rows. They were crystal clear, not out of focus as on the other test. I knew then that it was Jesus and He had healed my eyes! Thank You Jesus, Bless Your Holy Name! He had completely healed my eyes. The Doctor came in and checked my eyes, and looked at the test. He smiled and said, "I believe you will live the rest of your life and never have to have surgery". The test results were 20/20 and 20/25.I have not got results like this in 30 years. I wasn't expecting this to happen that day, but I received miraculous results just as the Lord said through my husband. Keep the faith. God hears our prayers and when we least expect it, we will get our miraculous results. God is so good! - L.H.