Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Missions is at the very heart of Sevierville Christian Center. We believe that the church has no walls and that we should do all we can to reach those around us and around the world. Through local outreach and support of missionaries all over the world, we strive to make the great commission a part of our everyday lives here at Sevierville Christian Center.

Our Missions Partners
Sensitive Area Missions
We love supporting our amazing missionary families, working in sensitive areas throughout different parts of the world. We would love to tell you all about them right here, but for their safety we have to protect their information. Join us, in praying for them and their families!
Local Missions
We love supporting missionaries all over the United States and around the world, but we truly have a heart for our community here in Sevier County as well. There are so many amazing things happening here, that we can't help but get involved. We recognize the struggle of people in our community to put food on the table, so we have joyfully partnered with the Sevier County Food Bank to try to curve the hunger. There is also another ministry in our community that we love dearly. It is called the Wears Valley Ranch. It's an incredible Christian home and school for needy children.
Stateside Missions
Our support is not just internationally. We know that the Gospel still needs to be proclaimed here in the US and there is much work to do. We support an amazing ministry called NextStep for Life, which is a transitional program for vulnerable adults. We are so honored to come along side these
incredible people and see what the Lord is
doing in our beautiful nation.
incredible people and see what the Lord is
doing in our beautiful nation.